Monday, October 27, 2008

They labeled us Ronald Regan Babies

I am a Libra born on the thirteenth day of the tenth month in the year of your lord nineteen hundred and eighty one and to this day I hate eighties music. I'm not saying it isn't any good, I mean, how can millions of people be wrong but I was thinking about it the other day and I believe my reasoning behind this is that I can't dance. And within the past few years that time in my life has returned to haunt me. Everywhere I look I see tributes to John Hughes and every time I look forward to hearing new music there it is, synth drums with a keyboard riff followed by lyrics of positive dancing and partying. Bright neon colors and tacky tights are all the fad and all that is missing is the flock of segal hair sculptures. Maybe im in denial or maybe I can't deal with the craziness of the eighties culture but until I learn to dance I feel I won't be dancing with myself or dance if I want to and I can't leave my friends behind Cause if my friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance well then they're no friends of mine. Yes, i'm bored.

1 comment:

loladimz said...

Well there's a whole Thing right there: a Flickr set of people *not dancing*